NecronomiCon Providence has issued the call for the Dr. Henry Armitage Memorial Scholarship Symposium, to be held at the impressive Omni Hotel, Providence – 15th-18th August 2024. Among the most interesting suggestions for possible topics are…

* Lovecraft’s correspondence as pre-blogging/travelog

* [Publisher] “Arkham House” and its heritage: further discoveries in its archival history

“Pre-blogging” is a new one to me. Never heard of it before. Seems that it may mean ‘a blog post you write before you actually do something, which you then also blog about afterwards’. Or they may just mean historically, that Lovecraft was ‘using letters as a form of blogging, before blogging was invented’? If the latter, it raises the question of his often phenomenal memory. Did he, like a modern blogger today, have substantial ‘search access’ in his mind to much of importance that he had written in his correspondence? “Lovecraft’s memory” might make an interesting topic for a short talk, showing just how good it was, how it worked, pointing to where and why it might have failed over time, and all the while drawing examples from the correspondence.

Anyway, submission deadline for the 2024 Symposium is 24th May 2024 and “early submissions are encouraged”.

2024 Call Flyer and contact details.

Omni Hotel