I’ve been having a quick look at which stories might be relevant to Lovecraft’s own mythos (rather than to the later expansions of the Mythos) in the fiction of Clark Ashton Smith. So far as I can tell the most substantially Lovecraft-relevant stories are…

  The Return of the Sorcerer
  The Nameless Offspring
  The Holiness of Azederac
  The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis

I also read that the following are Lovecraftian in tone or approach…

  The Hunters from Beyond
  The Coming of the White Worm
  The Dark Eidolon
  The Dweller in the Gulf
  The Plutonian Drug
  The Treader in the Dust
  The Seven Geases
  The City of the Singing Flame
  The Abominations of Yondo
  The Eternal World
  The Epiphany of Death
  A Star-Change

But then I was confused by finding a list of the contents of Robert Price’s The Klarkashton Cycle (his Chaosium collection of mythos-related stories of Clark Ashton Smith) (Thanks to Matthew T. Carpenter for the listing and notes on the versions and titles)…

  The Ghoul
  A Rendering from the Arabic (alternate version of The Return of the Sorcerer)
  The Hunters from Beyond
  The Vaults of Abomi (alternate version of The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis)
  The Nameless Offspring
  The Werewolf of Averoigne (alternate version of The Beast of Averoigne)
  The Eidolon of the Blind (alternate version of The Dweller in the Gulf)
  The Treader of the Dust
  The Infernal Star (fragment)

For someone not really familiar with Clark Ashton Smith’s work this is confusing, and I wonder if the Chaosium collection was distorted (use of alt. versions, re-titling, etc) because of copyright restrictions? Or did it perhaps venture beyond the original Lovecraft mythos in scope (I’ve never seen mention of Smith’s werewolf stories as mythos)?

Am I right in thinking that there’s really not yet been a definitive book collection of the Smith stories which have more than a brief “mentioned in passing” relation to Lovecraft’s fiction?