In France, Campus Miskatonic 2024…
This year again, we organise our HPL convention dedicated to HP Lovecraft in Verdun, France. We’ll deal with Lovecraft and the Great War.
Happening in Verdun, France, 8th-9th November 2024. ‘The Great War’ being the original way of referring to the First World War, prior to the Second World War.
They’ll be aided in this by new French editions of the letters, and new French translations of war tales such as “The Temple”.
Also in France, coming in August 2024, a chunky new Lovecraft special for the famous Métal Hurlant (‘Heavy Metal’) comics-magazine…
Echoing the 1978 Lovecraft Special, which remains one of the best-selling issues ever of Métal Hurlant, we invited a new wave of authors to delve into the complex and fascinating universe of the Master of Providence. The results go far beyond our expectations, demonstrating once again the deep resonance and timeless relevance of Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s imagination. Every page of this issue will be proof of the continuing influence that Lovecraft has on new generations of authors.
272 pages, so it’s not just a news-stand floppy. Let’s hope for an English translation. Although Euro-comics are notoriously slow to produce translations (if at all), despite the fairly low-cost of translation and fix-up of the pages, easy digital distribution (Amazon Kindle ebook etc), and an obvious market. It’s curious that, as an industry, they don’t seem to want to sell their wares abroad.