“The Oblique City: H.P. Lovecraft, New France and Quebec”, a new gallery exhibition by comics (BD) artist Christian Quesnel. At the Galerie Montcalm in Canada, running until 8th December 2022…

The latest work by Christian Quesnel, ‘La cité oblique’, a free interpretation of the Quebec travelogue by H.P. Lovecraft … sprawling mists, forgotten deities and poignant creatures

Also I found a podcast interview with the artist, though it doesn’t appear to be in English.

The blurb for the podcast usefully reveals that the works are also in a print volume…

his [BD] album La Cité oblique, published by Editions Alto

Tracking this down, one finds that the book appeared in August 2022 and the blurb reveals more…

Christian Quesnel spent several years creating this magnum opus, which is enriched by Ariane Gelinas’s soaring prose … a parallel history of Quebec … [Lovecraft’s] wanderings through “the city of enigmas walled behind the closed shutters of dream” combine brilliantly with a Lovecraftian tale of the brave deeds of Qartier and Loui Heyber. The result is a highly hallucinatory tribute to the father of the Cthulhu Mythos, as well as a fascinating reworking of the past.

Sounds great. I look forward to seeing the book appear in English.