The Hungarian Black Aether has a series surveying international H.P. Lovecraft fan communities over in Europe.
In Hungarian, but now we have a Necronomicon incantation for summoning The Giant Mouth of Many Tongues auto-translation. There’s Google Translate of course, but in-browser the best add-on for extended Web snippets is Simple Translate 2.6.1. The Auto Translate for YouTube captions add-on is also useful at times — it forces subtitles ‘on’ and into English, but don’t expect perfection unless the source diction was very clear, the speaker had a good microphone, and was using non-technical / non-slang language. Mumbling Japanese hipsters, talking techie… not good. Though often amusing.
Not everything on the Black Aether site gets the Lovecraft tag, such as the new review of the old comics anthology Lovecraft Antologia #1.