Io Sono Providence: la biografia di H.P. Lovecraft. The third and final volume of the translation of Joshi’s I Am Providence biography into Italian. Congratulations to all concerned.
I see the same publisher has a new edition of the Italian journal Providence Tales No. 8, containing two translations of and an article on Mearle Prout. So far as I’m aware he’s still unidentified with certainty. One wonders if the Italian Lovecraftians have had any success with getting more biographical details? So far as the open Web is concerned the best that can be said is that in 1937 he wrote to Weird Tales from Oklahoma, and that in 2015 I identified a Texan of the right name and age who was living in Oklahoma at the 1940 census.
Leigh Blackmore had an article on Mearle Prout in a recent EOD mailing. He seemed pretty well identified to me.
Ah, thanks. Good news. Lets hope the details leak out on the open Web.