Why do UI designers have to constantly make things worse? WordPress.com has had a back-end makeover, and the dates have vanished from the back-end’s listed posts. Only after seven days do you start to see dates, and then without the year. Only after the current year to you start to see the year-date. Scheduled posts are now on a separate page from the normal posts, and have no dates listed against them. It’s hardly ideal.
Thankfully, bits of the sensible old UI are usually left working in WordPress.com, but you just have to find them. In this case the link to the former format — dates and times all visible at a glance, all posts inc. scheduled listed on one page and in order — can now be found thus…
Dave Higgins said:
Myriad thankifications. I also had been lamenting the sad loss of the usable posts list, so am most gratified to see it still waxes forth in convenient life.