* Dustin Geeraert (2010), “Spectres of Darwin: H.P. Lovecraft’s nihilistic parody of religion”. (Masters disseration, University of Manitoba. An advanced work from an M.A. student. “In Lovecraft, one can find a response to Darwin which rather uniquely sympathizes with religious belief aesthetically, culturally and emotionally while simultaneously condemning it intellectually and scientifically”)
* Heath Row (2008), “H.P. Lovecraft’s Use of Dream and Elements of the Fairy Tale: a survey of five topics”, Hedge Trimmings, Vol.2, No.1, November 2008.
* James R. Russell (2011), “A Tale of Two Secret Books” (Paper
presented at ‘Knowledge to Die For: transmission of prohibited and esoteric knowledge through space and time’, 2nd-4th May 2011, Berlin, Germany. Looks at the Armenian compendium of ancient mathematico-magical texts, the Vec’hazareak or ‘Book of the Six Thousand’, and Lovecraft’s fictional Necronomicon)
* Jerome Alestro (2005?), “Du Cuachmar d’Innsmouth a la Metamorphose: aspects de la transformation” (In French. Appears to be a paper presented at a conference in 2005? Compares Lovecraft to Kafka, in relation to the conclusion of “The Shadow out of Innsmouth”)
* Rodolfo Munoz Casado (2012), “Los mitos de Cthulhu como movimiento literario” (PhD thesis for the University of Madrid. In Spanish. Seems to be a broad survey of Lovecraft’s influence?)