* Andrea Franzoni (2014), “From the Sea to Deep Space: the Leviathan in Herman Melville, Stefano D’Arrigo and Howard P. Lovecraft”, Disputatio Philosophica, Vol.15 No.1, 2014. (“…these three contemporary authors summon the Leviathan as the possibility to create a new order in the World: an attempt whose only possible outcome is a failure”. The Lovecraft section is rather short and cursory. Part of a special journal issue on evil and the monstrous)
* Harlan Morehouse (2013), Untitled. Review of Ben Woodard’s On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy, Society and Space journal website, undated.
* Rory Rowan (2013), Undermining the Ends of the Earth. Review of Ben Woodard’s On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy, Society and Space journal website, undated.
* Jordan K. Skinner (2013), A Philosophical Topology. Review of Ben Woodard’s On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy, Society and Space journal website, undated.
* Ben Woodard (2013) Response: Terrestrial Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness, Society and Space journal website, undated. (Response to three reviews of Woodard’s book On an Ungrounded Earth, reviews which appeared on the Society and Space journal website).