Deep Cuts takes a look at Enki Bilal’s first collection of mostly Lovecraft-inspired short comic strip stories, published in the magazine Pilote between 1971 and 1974.

Below I take an additional look at the various covers. First published as one volume in French as a five-story BD by Minoustchine in 1975…

Deep Cuts unearths a partial 1982 English U.S. translation by Flying Buffalo, publisher of the early RPG gaming magazine Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Not a great translation, it seems, and they were likely working from the 1975 Minoustchine edition as they have the same five stories and the same cover but with English lettering.
Then the volume appeared in a popular 1982 French BD by Futuropolis as Le Bol Maudit (“The Cursed Bowl”), with eight stories.

There was also a later reprint of the latter in 1987, with a garishly jazzed-up colour cover.