Spanish, Italian and other languages are now starting to appear in the search-engine indexes covering the last five days. Here’s what I’ve picked up by search so far, to add to my previous coverage of Lovecraft’s 130th Birthday…

* New in Italian, and published on Lovecraft’s birthday, the book Chi ha paura di H.P. Lovecraft (Who’s Afraid of Lovecraft?, Oakmond, 290 pages)…

An articulate monograph full of ideas, De Sio’s work is framed by two experts in this area — Gianfranco de Turris and Sebastiano Fusco — who, in the extensive preface masterfully meld all the points covered by the works of H.P. Lovecraft.

Oakmond Publishing have a page for the book and it’s shipping now.

* Pietro Sabatelli usefully rounds up about 20+ Italian blog links offering posts for Lovecraft’s 130th Birthday. Scroll down to the foot of his post, and look under this banner…

* The day was chosen to launch the ‘Biblioteca Lovecraftiana Fundamental’ the term being used for a new door-stopper book. Contos Reunidos do Mestre do Horror Cósmico (Tales Gathered, by the Master of Cosmic Horror, Ex Machina, 540 pages). The publisher is in Brazil, so I assume Portuguese for this weighty…

anthology containing all 61 short stories written by Lovecraft and published in various magazines between 1917 and 1935.