Has it been that long? I took a two month springtime break from Lovecraft (the best time to do so), in order to do intensive work on my JURN open access academic search tool. Until 2014 JURN indexed only open access (free) academic journals in the arts and humanities. It now also indexes all known open ecology-related journals, open business journals, and biomedical/science. Also most of the main UK academic repositories, and key US and world repositories. JURN’s index was given a thorough spring-cleaning and a deep linkrot cure, along with the same for the JURN Directory of arts and humanities journals.

Many thanks to Kenneth W. Faig, Jr. for sending me a paper copy of his EOD mailing zine, containing his kind reviews of my summer 2013 books. I’m also in receipt of review copies of Steven J. Mariconda’s H. P. Lovecraft: Art, Artifact, and Reality, and David Goudsward’s H. P. Lovecraft in the Merrimack Valley. Thanks to David Goudsward and Derek Hussey for those — I’ll be reviewing those books in July or August.