A-Z List of over 800 eco/nature journals. Titles listed are open access or otherwise free and public, and are published in English or largely in English. Predatory and questionable journals are excluded. Mapping and surveying titles are listed separately, at the foot of this A-Z list.
Full-text of nearly all these journals can be searched across by keyword or phrase, by using my companion JURN open-access search tool. JURN also has comprehensive coverage of most free journals published in other languages, titles not listed below. Such search should prove useful for many. Conservation experts often have trouble finding and/or accessing research, with 2021 research discovering that… “49% of the [2,285] respondents find it not easy or not at all easy to access scientific literature.”
A-Z List last updated: 10th April 2022. Last checked for linkrot: 12th July 2020.
ISSNs have been automatically harvested, then manually infilled where possible. ISSN’s are ‘Online’, where known.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALSO MAPPING & SURVEYING
Acta Agrobotanica ISSN: 2300-357X (Polish Botanical Society. Plants accompanying crops, with special focus on plant-pollinator flora)
Acta Biologica Sibirica ISSN: 2412-1908 (Russian, partly in English and preference is given to English articles)
Acta Botanica Croatica ISSN: 1847-8476 (Croatian botany)
Acta Botanica Islandica ISSN: 1972-2004 (Icelandic Institute of Natural History)
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (also here) ISSN: 1804-6487 (Department of Entomology, National Museum, Czech Republic)
Acta Mycologica ISSN: 2353-074X (Polish Botanical Society. Fungi and lichens)
Acta Naturalia Islandica ISSN: 1946–1991 (Icelandic Institute of Natural History)
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica ISSN: 2300-6145 (animal breeding, a mix of farm articles and articles on smaller-scale and niche types of professional and conservation breeding)
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae ISSN: 2083-9480 (Polish Botanical Society. Plant science)
Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia ISSN: 2300-0163 (wide scope, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae ISSN: 2064-2474 (Hungary, OA from 2002 onwards)
Adansonia ISSN: 1639-4798 (Natural History Museum, Paris. Plant biology, focus on vascular plants biodiversity. Open Access on the museum’s page, though it initially appears not to be OA there)
Adjutant : Journal of the Army Ornithological Society, The ISSN: — (birds, British Army)
African Plant Protection ISSN: 2309-3811
African Primates ISSN: 1093-8966
African Sea Turtle Newsletter ISSN: —
AFRING News ISSN: — (bird ringing in Southern Africa)
Agricultural History Review ISSN: 0002-1490 (British)
Airo ISSN: — (Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds)
Alaska Fisheries Research Bulletin ISSN: —
Alces ISSN: 2293-6629 (biology and management of moose)
Algae ISSN: — (algae and seaweed, Korean Society of Phycology)
Aliens : the Invasive Species Bulletin ISSN: —
Aliso : A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany ISSN: 2327-2929
Alpine Botany ISSN: 1664-221X (via Paperity)
Alue ja Ymparisto ISSN: 2242-3451 (Finnish regional and environmental studies, partly in English)
Alytes ISSN: — (2012—, Amphibian Survival Alliance)
American Bee Journal ISSN: — and American Bee Journal 1861-1900 at the Cornell Online Beekeeping Collection (can’t be indexed by JURN, but noted here as the knowledge is often still valid)
American Bird Conservancy Annual Reports ISSN: —
American Museum Novitates ISSN: — (new discoveries in zoology, paleontology, and geology)
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation ISSN: 1525-9153
Amphipacifica : journal of systematic biology ISSN: 1189-9905
Anatolian Bryology ISSN: — (mosses, Turkey and region)
Annali di Botanica ISSN: 2239-3129 (Italy, in English)
Annales Botanici Fennici ISSN: — (2012—, Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board)
Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici ISSN: — (National Museum of Hungary, Natural History)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America ISSN: — (to 1950, can’t be indexed by JURN, but noted here)
Annals of Forest Research ISSN: 2065-2445
Annals of Forest Science ISSN: 1297-966X
Annals of the Natal Museum ISSN: 0304-0798 (South Africa)
Animal Behavior and Cognition ISSN: 2372-4323
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation ISSN: 2014-928X (Museum of Natural Science, Barcelona)
Animal Biotelemetry ISSN: 2050-3385 (remote tracking of animals using technology)
Animal Migration ISSN: 2084-8838
Annual Report, Rutland Natural History Society ISSN: — (UK)
Antarctic Record ISSN: 2432-079X (National Institute of Polar Research, Japan)
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ISSN: — (monographs, some ethnobotany)
Anthropozoologica ISSN: 2107-0881 (Natural History Museum, Paris. The “relationship between man and animal, from the origins up to modern times.” Open Access on the museum’s page, though it initially appears not to be OA there)
AoB Plants ISSN: 2041-2851 (via Paperity)
Apidologie ISSN: 1297-9678 (bees, 1958-2010)
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research ISSN: 1785-0037
Aquaculture Environment Interactions ISSN: 1869-7534
Aquatic Biosystems ISSN: — (formerly Saline Systems)
Aquatic Invasions ISSN: 1818-5487
Aquatic Mammals ISSN: — (1972-1999 indexable, but free to 2002)
Aquila ISSN: — (birds, Hungary)
Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade ISSN: 1821-4339
Arctic ISSN: —
Arctic and Antarctic Research ISSN: — (journal of AARI, Russia’s main polar research and monitoring body)
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research ISSN: — (BioOne, via aggregators)
Arctic Birds ISSN: —
Arctic Circular, The ISSN: — (1948-1988)
Ardea ISSN: — (birds, Netherlands Ornithologists’ Union)
Arnoldia ISSN: 0004–2633 (quarterly magazine of the Arnold Arboretum – Harvard University)
Arquivos Entomoloxicos ISSN: 1989-6581 (Spanish beetles)
Arthropod-Plant Interactions ISSN: 1872-8847 (via Paperity)
Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny ISSN: 1864-8312 (Senckenberg)
Arxius de Miscellania Zoologica ISSN: 1698-0476 (Museum of Natural Science, Barcelona)
Asia Pacific Journal of Environment Ecology and Sustainable Development ISSN: — (published by the Association of Tropical Rain Forest Conservation and Education, Nepal)
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology ISSN: 2278-7666
Asian Myrmecology ISSN: 2462-2362 (ants)
Atlas of Maine ISSN: — (Environmental Studies Program, Colby College)
Atoll Research Bulletin ISSN: — (also here)
Auk, The ISSN: — and SORA archive (birds of New Zealand and region)
Australasian Plant Pathology ISSN: 1448-6032 (via Paperity)
Australian Antarctic Magazine ISSN: 2652-3027
Australian Garden History: journal of the Australian Garden History Society ISSN: —
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN: — (1948-1988)
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal (AMOJ) ISSN: 2206-5865 (1952-current) (very poorly indexed by Google)
Avian Conservation and Ecology ISSN: 1712-6568 (birds)
Avian Ecology & Behaviour ISSN: 2305-3658 (birds, Russia, discontinued 2015)
Avian Research ISSN: 2053-7166 (birds, formerly titled Chinese Birds)
Avian Science ISSN: 1424-8743 (birds)
Baltic Forestry ISSN: — (Latvia)
Baltic Journal of Coleopterology ISSN: 1407-8619 (Baltic Coleopterological Society, Latvia. Beetles of the Baltics)
Bamboo Science & Culture : The Journal of the American Bamboo Society ISSN: —
Bay Nature ISSN: — (conservation of habitats and wildlife in the San Francisco Bay Area)
Behavioral Ecology ISSN: 1465-7279 (via Paperity)
Belgian Journal of Entomology ISSN: 2295-0214 (insects)
Belgian Journal of Zoology and alt. URL ISSN: —
Berkut : Ukrainian Journal of Ornithology ISSN: 1727-0200 (birds, Central and Eastern Europe)
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift ISSN: 1860-1324 (insects, Open Access from 2014)
Biawak : journal of varanid biology and husbandry ISSN: 1936-296X (monitor lizards)
Bibliotheca Herpetologica ISSN: 2002-4029 (International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology)
Bioarchaeology of the Near East ISSN: 1899-962X
BioCoder ISSN: — (from O’Reilly, DIY bio-engineering)
Biodiversity & Ecology ISSN: 1613-9801
Biodiversity and Natural History ISSN: 0719‐4986 (Chile, South America. Formerly Boletin de Biodiversidad de Chile)
Biodiversity Data Journal ISSN: 1314-2828
Biodiversity Informatics ISSN: 1546-9735
Biodiversity Journal ISSN: 2039-0408
Biodiversity Observations (South Africa) ISSN: —
Biodiversity Science : developments in biodiversity and conservation management ISSN: —
BioInvasions Records ISSN: 2242-1300
Biological Invasions ISSN: 1573-1464 (via Paperity)
Biology and Fertility of Soils ISSN: 1432-0789 (via Paperity)
Biology Curators Group Newsletter ISSN: — (UK, 1975-1994)
Biology Letters ISSN: 1744-957X (via Paperity)
Biology Open ISSN: 2046-6390
BioResources ISSN: 1930-2126 (new uses for woody materials and pulps)
Bioscan, The ISSN: 0973-7049 (National Environmentalists’ Association, India)
Biosystems Diversity ISSN: 2520-2529
Bird Banding ISSN: — (bird migration tracking, to 1979)
Bird Populations ISSN: 1074-1755 (Institute for Bird Populations)
BioDesign Research ISSN: 2693-1257
Bishop Museum Occasional Papers ISSN: — (also Bulletins, Technical Reports, Memoirs and other publications. Hawaii Biological Survey)
BMC Biology ISSN: 1741-7007
BMC Ecology ISSN: 1472-6785
BMC Evolutionary Biology ISSN: 1471-2148
BMC Zoology ISSN: 2056-3132
Bocagiana ISSN: 2183-3141 (Island of Madeira and vicinity)
Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal ISSN: 2183-279X (Island of Madeira and vicinity)
Boreal Environment Research ISSN: 1797-2469 (polar, subpolar and far northern ecosystems)
Borneo Research Bulletin ISSN: — (Borneo Research Council, 1969-1999)
Botanical Review ISSN: 1874-9372 (via Paperity)
Botanical Sciences ISSN: 2007-4476 (Botanical Society of Mexico)
Botanical Studies ISSN: 1999-3110 (via Paperity)
Botanica Pacifica ISSN: 2226-4701 (plants and their conservation, Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Bothalia : African Biodiversity & Conservation ISSN: 2311-9284
Botswana documents ISSN: — (planning, ecology, and natural resources on Chobe, Botswana, and the wider Zambezi region)
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography ISSN: 1982-436X
Brazilian Journal of Natural Sciences ISSN: 2595-0584
Breviora ISSN: — (Museum of Comparative Zoology – Harvard University)
Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series ISSN: 0068-1024 (1955-1977)
British & Irish Botany ISSN: 2632-4970
British Journal of Entomology and Natural History ISSN: —
British Trust for Ornithology Research Reports ISSN: —
Brittonia ISSN: 1938-436X (via Paperity)
Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University ISSN: 2435-3353
Bulletin of Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ISSN: 0916-4405 (Japan)
Bulletin of Insectology ISSN: 2283-0332 (Bologna University, Italy)
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History ISSN: —
Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History ISSN: —
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club ISSN: — (birds, UK, to 2010)
Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society ISSN: — (2004—, one year wall)
Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta ISSN: 2070-4526 (also mirrored at the University of Malta repository)
Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ISSN: 2297-119X
Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Museum ISSN: 1348-169X (the English issues are on biodiversity)
Bulletin of the International Union of Soil Sciences ISSN: — (IUSS Bulletin)
Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade ISSN: 2406-1360
Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Botany ISSN: —
Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Geology ISSN: —
Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Zoology ISSN: —
Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society ISSN: —
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithologists’ Society ISSN: — (birds, Nigeria)
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences ISSN: — (focus is on articles on natural history topics related to southern California, the Eastern Pacific and the New World)
Butler University Botanical Studies ISSN: — (1929-1964)
Bulletin of the University Museum, University of Tokyo ISSN: —
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society ISSN: — (birds, USA)
Calameo : Scientific Reports of Port-Cros National Park ISSN: — (the Mediterranean island of Port-Cros)
CalCOFI Reports ISSN: 0575-3317 (state of the oceanic ‘California Current’ and its related fisheries)
California Birds ISSN: —
Cambodian Journal of Natural History ISSN: 2226–969X
Canadian Field-Naturalist, The ISSN: — (one-year paywall)
Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification ISSN: 1911-2173 (Canada’s arthropod fauna)
Carbon Balance and Management ISSN: 1750-0680 (via Paperity)
CESA Publications on African Lepidoptera ISSN: — (butterflies, moths)
Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences) ISSN: 0069-2379
Chironomus : journal of Chironomidae research ISSN: — (non-biting midges)
Cities and the Environment ISSN: —
Citizen Science : Theory and Practice ISSN: 2057-4991
Citrus Research & Technology ISSN: —
COCOS : the journal of the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka ISSN: — (also at CRI Repository, with archives of Ceylon Coconut Planters’ Review and Ceylon Coconut Quarterly)
Common Ground ISSN: — (National Park Service, U.S.)
Commonwealth Forestry Review ISSN: — (formerly Empire Forestry Journal / Empire Forestry Review. Site also has the Commonwealth Forestry Institute Occasional Papers and monographs series in PDF)
Conservation Evidence ISSN: —
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium ISSN: —
Contributions in Marine Science ISSN: 0096-431X (formerly Publications of the Institute of Marine Science)
Contributions in Science ISSN: — (Natural History Museum, LA)
Contributions to Entomology ISSN: —
Contributions to Zoology ISSN: —
Coral Reefs ISSN: — (via Paperity)
CORD : Coconut Research & Development ISSN: —
Corella ISSN: — (birds of Australia, New Zealand and the southern ocean)
CRM : The Journal of Heritage Stewardship ISSN: — (National Park Service, USA)
Crustacean Research ISSN: 2189-5317 (Carcinological Society of Japan)
Cultural Studies of Science Education ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Current Herpetology ISSN: 1881-1019 (Herpetological Society of Japan, amphibians and reptiles)
Cypricola ISSN: — (the flora of Cyprus)
Davidsonia ISSN: — (journal of the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden)
Dendrobiology ISSN: — (trees)
Desert Magazine, The ISSN: — (life in the deserts of the American Southwest)
Desert Plants ISSN: —
Drifting Seed, The ISSN: — (seeds and fruits dispersed by tropical currents)
Durban Museum Novitates ISSN: 0012-723X (South Africa)
Earth Interactions ISSN: — (interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere in global context. American Meteorological Society)
eco.mont : Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management ISSN: — (open access from January 2015)
EcoHealth ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Eco-Thinking ISSN: —
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection ISSN: — (National Society of Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, Bulgaria)
Ecological Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Ecology and Society ISSN: —
Economic Botany ISSN: — (via Paperity)
EcoPrint ISSN: — (Nepal)
Ecosystems ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Ecotoxicology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Edentata ISSN: — (anteaters, sloths, armadillos)
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research ISSN: —
Egyptian Journal of Biology, The ISSN: 1110-6859
Egyptian Journal of Natural History, The and its mirror on AJOL ISSN: 1110-6867
Elementa ISSN: — (broad megajournal, with an ecology section)
Elephant : The Publication of the Elephant Interest Group ISSN: — (1977-2000)
eLife ISSN: —
Emerging Contaminants ISSN: —
Emerging Infectious Diseases ISSN: — (CDC, USA)
Endangered Species : Endangered Species Online Bulletin ISSN: — (U.S. Fish & Wildlife service)
Endangered Species Research ISSN: —
Entomologia ISSN: — (insects)
Entomological Communications ISSN: 2675-1305
Entomologica Fennica ISSN: — (insects of the Palaearctic)
Environmental and Ecological Statistics ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Environmental Biology of Fishes ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Environmental Evidence ISSN: —
Environmental Humanities ISSN: —
Environmental Science, Hokkaido University ISSN: 0386-8788
ENVIS Bulletin of Himalayan Ecology ISSN: 2455-6815 (also monographs. ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology)
Estonian Journal of Ecology ISSN: —
Estuaries and Coasts ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics ISSN: —
Ethnobiology Letters ISSN: —
Ethnobotanical Leaflets ISSN: —
Ethnobotany Research and Applications ISSN: 1547-3465 (also here and here)
Eurasian Journal of Forest Research ISSN: 1345-8221
Eurasian Soil Science ISSN: — (via Paperity)
European Journal of Entomology ISSN: 1802-8829 (insects)
European Journal of Environmental Sciences ISSN: —
European Journal of Forest Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
European Journal of Plant Pathology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
European Journal of Taxonomy ISSN: — (descriptive taxonomy of eukaryotes)
European Journal of Wildlife Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
European Microscopy Society Yearbook ISSN: —
Euscorpius : occasional publications in scorpiology and its mirror ISSN: — (scorpions)
Evolution: Education and Outreach ISSN: —
Evolutionary Ecology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Contamination ISSN: 2317-9643
Extremophiles ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Fauna of New Zealand ISSN: —
Fauna Norvegica ISSN: 1891-5396 (Nordic fauna)
Field Naturalist : The Trinidad & Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club, The ISSN: — (1973-2015)
Field Studies Journal ISSN: — (1959-2003, Field Studies Council, UK)
Fishery Bulletin ISSN: — (National Marine Fisheries Service, USA)
Fisheries & Aquatic Life ISSN: — (formerly: Archives of Polish Fisheries)
Fisheries Science ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Flora of North America ISSN: — (newsletter of the Flora of North America Association)
Florida Entomologist and archive (BioOne, via aggregators) ISSN: —
Florida Field Naturalist ISSN: —
Florida Geographer, The ISSN: —
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica and archives to 1972 ISSN: 1736-7786 (fungi, lichens, moss and algae)
Folia Entomologica Hungarica ISSN: — (insects, Hungary)
Folia Geobotanica ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Folia Malacologica ISSN: — (snails)
Fordham Environmental Law Review ISSN: —
Forest History Today ISSN: —
Forest Phytophthoras ISSN: — (moulds and rots)
Forest Systems ISSN: —
Forest@ ISSN: —
Trees, Forests and People ISSN: 2666-7193
Forestry ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Forktail ISSN: — (Oriental Bird Club)
Fragmenta Entomologica ISSN: 0429-288X (arthropod biodiversity, Sapienza University of Rome)
Fremontia : journal of the California Native Plant Society ISSN: —
FrogLog ISSN: — (1992—, Amphibian Survival Alliance)
Frozen Ground ISSN: — (International Permafrost Association)
Fungal Biology and Biotechnology ISSN: —
Fungal Conservation ISSN: — (International Society for Fungal Conservation)
Fungal Diversity ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Future of Food : Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society ISSN: 2197-411X
Galapagos Research ISSN: — (Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin Foundation)
Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes ISSN: —
George Wright Forum, The ISSN: — (The George Wright Society, for parks as protected areas)
Giraffid ISSN: — (giraffes, newsletter of the IUCN SSC Giraffe & Okapi Specialist Group)
Global Ecology and Conservation ISSN: 2351-9894
Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal ISSN: —
Goose Bulletin ISSN: — (wild geese)
Gorilla Journal ISSN: —
Great Basin Naturalist and Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs ISSN: — (1976-1993)
Great Lakes Entomologist, The ISSN: — (mirror) and its predecessor Newsletter of the Michigan Entomological Society (Great Lakes region, North Central states, and Canada)
Gulf and Caribbean Research ISSN: — (marine and coastal science)
Harvard Papers in Botany ISSN: — (Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries)
Hawaiian Waters : Reports and Monographs ISSN: — (1897-2001)
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (Indonesia) ISSN: —
HerbalEGram ISSN: — (monthly of the American Botanical Council)
Herpetological Conservation and Biology ISSN: 1931-7603 (amphibians and reptiles)
Herpetology Notes ISSN: — (Societas Europaea Herpetologica, amphibians and reptiles)
Hong Kong Bird Report ISSN: — (to 2011)
Holarctic Lepidoptera ISSN: —
HortTechnology ISSN: — (horticultural technologies, with substantial cross-over to native plants, tackling invasive disease, and social topics such as public education and landscape use)
Huntia ISSN: — (Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Human Ecology Review ISSN: —
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ISSN: —
HYLA : Herpetoloski Bilten ISSN: — (amphibians and reptiles. Croatian Herpetological Society, dual Croatian/English)
Hystrix : the Italian Journal of Mammalogy ISSN: — (mammals)
Journal of Marine and Island Cultures ISSN: 2212-6821
ICES Journal of Marine Science ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Ichthyological Research (fishes) ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Ideas in Ecology and Evolution ISSN: —
iForest : Biogeosciences and Forestry ISSN: — (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology)
Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin ISSN: 2644-0687
IMA Fungus ISSN: —
Immediate Science Ecology ISSN: — (Queen’s University, Canada)
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences ISSN: 2582-6727
Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources ISSN: 0976-0512
Indian Ocean Watch ISSN: —
Inland Water Biology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Insecta Matsumurana ISSN: 0020-1804 (entomology journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
Insecta Mundi ISSN: — (insect systematics)
Insecta Norvegiae ISSN: 0800-1790 (supplement to Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 1980-2005)
Insectes Sociaux ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Insects of Micronesia ISSN: —
Institute of Zoology annual reports ISSN: — (London)
International Forest Fire News ISSN: —
International Journal of Aquatic Biology ISSN: 2322-5270 (Iranian Society of Ichthyology)
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences ISSN: — (National Institute of Ecology, India)
International Journal of Environmental Quality ISSN: 2281-4485 (University of Bologna)
International Journal of Fungal Diversity ISSN: —
International Journal of Galliformes Conservation ISSN: — (pheasants and similar game birds)
International Journal of Myriapodology ISSN: — (millipedes, centipedes, velvet worms)
International Journal of Speleology ISSN: — (caves)
International Journal of Plant Biology ISSN: —
International Journal of Wilderness ISSN: —
International Review of Environmental History ISSN: —
International Society for Tropical Ecology ISSN: —
International Soil and Water Conservation Research ISSN: —
International Studies on Sparrows ISSN: — (birds)
International Wader Studies ISSN: — (wading birds)
Intermountain Journal of Sciences, The and back issues ISSN: — (Montana, USA)
Invertebrate Survival Journal ISSN: — (survival and defense mechanisms of invertebrates)
Irish Forestry ISSN: — (Ireland, 1943-2009)
Irish Geography ISSN: 1939-4055 (Geographical Society of Ireland)
Island Studies ISSN: —
Israeli Journal of Aquaculture ISSN: — (2001—)
Israel Journal of Entomology ISSN: —
Italian Botanist and its archives in Italian as the Bollettino della Societa Botanica Italiana ISSN: —
Italian Journal of Mycology ISSN: 2531-7342 (fungi and fungal pathogens)
IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin ISSN: 1023-9030 (otters)
Japanese Journal of Benthology ISSN: 1883-891X (ocean organisms that live on, in, or near the seabed)
Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology ISSN: 2424-1431
Japanese Journal of Ornithology ISSN: 1881-9710 (birds, Japan)
JNCC report series ISSN: — (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK)
Journal American Rhododendron Society ISSN: —
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology ISSN: —
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality ISSN: —
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management (toxic chemical pollutants in ecologies) ISSN: 1119-8362
Journal of Arachnology ISSN: — (spiders, 1973-2014)
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity ISSN: 2287-884X (formerly Journal of Korean Nature)
Journal of Biological Curation ISSN: — (1989-1994) and the continuing Biology Curator
Journal of Biosciences ISSN: 0973-7138 (Indian Academy of Sciences)
Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity ISSN: —
Journal of Botany ISSN: —
Journal of Coastal Conservation ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Coastal Research ISSN: —
Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures ISSN: 2667-047X (impact of large dams, tidal barriers, terminals etc)
Journal of Conservation Planning ISSN: —
Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education ISSN: —
Journal of Delta Urbanism ISSN: 2666-7851 (impact of human habitation in deltas)
Journal of East African Natural History ISSN: 0012-8317
Journal of Ecological Anthropology ISSN: —
Journal of Ecological Engineering ISSN: —
Journal of Ecosystems and Management ISSN: —
Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research ISSN: — (insects, mites and ticks)
Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka ISSN: —
Journal of Environmental Sustainability ISSN: — (RIT)
Journal of ETA Maritime Science ISSN: —
Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa ISSN: 0013-8789
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management ISSN: 1944-687X (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Journal of Fisheries ISSN: 2311-3111 (India)
Journal of Field Ornithology ISSN: — (birds)
Journal of Forest and Livelihood ISSN: 1684-0186
Journal of Forest Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Forest Science ISSN: — (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
Journal of Forestry Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Ginseng Research ISSN: —
Journal of Ichthyology (fishes) ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Hymenoptera Research ISSN: — (sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants, International Society of Hymenopterists)
Journal of Insect Behavior ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Insect Conservation ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Insect Science. (BioOne, via aggregators) ISSN: —
Journal of Korean Nature, now the Journal of Asia Pacific Biodiversity ISSN: —
Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law ISSN: — (Florida State University, College of Law)
Journal of Limnology ISSN: — (inland waters)
Journal Of Litter And Environmental Quality ISSN: —
Journal of Marine and Island Cultures ISSN: —
Journal of Marine Animals and their Ecology ISSN: 1911-8929
Journal of Melittology ISSN: 2325-4467 (bee biology, ecology, evolution, & systematics)
Journal of Mountain Area Research ISSN: 2518-850X (via DOAJ)
Journal of Mountain Ecology ISSN: —
Journal of Mountain Science ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Mycology ISSN: — (can’t be indexed by JURN, but noted here)
Journal of Natural Resources and Development ISSN: —
Journal of Natural Science Collections, The ISSN: — (UK. Natural History exhibits and wildlife history work in museums)
Journal of Negative Results : ecology and evolutionary biology ISSN: —
Journal of Nematology, The ISSN: — (nematodes)
Journal of North American Herpetology ISSN: 2333-0694 (amphibians)
Journal of Nuts ISSN: —
Journal of Ocean University of China ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Oceanography ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership ISSN: —
Journal of Pest Science ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Pesticide Science ISSN: 1349-0923
Journal of Plankton Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Plant Biology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Plant Research ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Pollination Ecology ISSN: 1920-7603
Journal of Rangeland Applications ISSN: —
Journal of Raptor Research also at the Biodiversity Library ISSN: — (birds, raptors)
Journal of Seed Science ISSN: —
Journal of Soils and Sediments ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Journal of Sustainability ISSN: —
Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan ISSN: 1880-2273 (mites and ticks)
Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science ISSN: —
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society ISSN: —
Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia ISSN: — (insects)
Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario ISSN: — (insects)
Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association ISSN: —
Journal of the Forestry Society of Croatia ISSN: —
Journal of the Kew Guild ISSN: — (Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, 1893-2009)
Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society ISSN: — (butterflies)
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India ISSN: —
Journal of the Marine Research Institute ISSN: — (Iceland)
Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series ISSN: —
Journal of the New York Entomological Society ISSN: — (to 1999) (insects)
Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation ISSN: 1937-7835
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia ISSN: — (1917-1990)
Journal of Threatened Taxa ISSN: —
Journal of Toxicological Education ISSN: — (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies ISSN: —
Journal of Tree Sciences ISSN: — (Indian Society Of Tree Scientists)
Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism & Recreation Research ISSN: —
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases ISSN: —
Journal of Vietnamese Environment ISSN: 2193-6471
Journal of Water Security ISSN: — (partly on water pollution, especially in Eastern Europe)
Journal of Wetlands Ecology ISSN: 2091-0363 (to 2012, ceased)
Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology ISSN: 1882-0999 (birds, Japan)
Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research ISSN: —
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika ISSN: 2087-0469 (Indonesia, tropical forest management)
Kalmiopsis ISSN: — (Native Plant Society of Oregon)
Kenya Birds ISSN: — (to 2013)
Kingbird, The ISSN: — (New York State Ornithological Association) (also at Biodiversity Heritage Library)
Kirtlandia ISSN: — (Cleveland Museum of Natural History)
Klapalekiana ISSN: — (Czech Entomological Society)
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems ISSN: 1961-9502
Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science ISSN: 2071-0771 (“the official journal of the South African National Parks”)
Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment ISSN: —
Korean Journal of Mycology ISSN: —
Kukila : journal of Indonesian ornithology ISSN: 0216-9223
Lakes, reservoirs and ponds ISSN: 1844-6477 (Romanian Journal of Limnology)
Landscape and Ecological Engineering ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Landscape Ecology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Landscape Online ISSN: — (Int. Assoc. for Landscape Ecology)
Landscape Review ISSN: —
Landscapes : journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language ISSN: —
Lankesteriana : international journal on orchidology ISSN: — (orchids)
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals ISSN: —
Law, Environment and Development Journal ISSN: — (SOAS, London)
Lazaroa ISSN: — (Complutense University of Madrid)
Les/Wood ISSN: 0024-1067 (wood as a material)
Life Cycle ISSN: — (birds, British Trust for Ornithology)
Limnology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Linnean, The ISSN: — (Linnean Society of London)
Living Bird magazine ISSN: —
Living Reviews in Landscape Research ISSN: 1863-7329
Lutra ISSN: — (journal of the Dutch Mammal Society)
Luminaria ISSN: 2359-4373 (interdisciplinary natural biology in Brazil, latest issues partly in English)
Lynx, new series – National Museum (Prague) ISSN: 1863-7329 (mammals)
Macalester Reviews in Biogeography ISSN: — (2008-2010)
Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment ISSN: —
Madagascar Conservation and Development ISSN: —
Madoqua ISSN: 1011-5498 (Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism)
Malacologica Bohemoslovaca ISSN: 1336-6939 (snails in Eastern Europe)
Malagasy Nature ISSN: — (natural history of Madagascar and neighbouring islands, in French and English)
Malayan Nature Journal ISSN: — (Malaysia)
Malimbus : journal of West African ornithology ISSN: — (birds)
Management of Biological Invasions ISSN: —
Manter : Journal of Parasite Biodiversity ISSN: 2470-8224
Marine and Coastal Fisheries (BioOne, via aggregators) ISSN: —
Marine Biodiversity ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Marine Biodiversity Records ISSN: — (Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom)
Marine Fisheries Review ISSN: —
Marine Ornithology ISSN: — (marine birds)
Marine Institute Open Access Repository ISSN: —
Marine Research in Iceland ISSN: —
Marine Turtle Newsletter ISSN: —
Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal ISSN: 2464-9724 (relevant to oil spills, impact of piracy and conflict on nature)
Maryland Birdlife ISSN: — (birds, USA)
McIlvainea : Journal of American Amateur Mycology ISSN: — (fungi)
MCZ Bulletin ISSN: — (Museum of Comparative Zoology – Harvard University)
Meadowlark : A Journal of Illinois Birds ISSN: — (birds, USA)
Medicinal Plants for Economic Development ISSN: 2616-4809
Mediterranean Marine Science ISSN: —
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ISSN: —
Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University ISSN: 2435-3361
Memoirs of the MCZ ISSN: — (Museum of Comparative Zoology – Harvard University)
Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica ISSN: — (fauna and flora of the Palaearctic)
Mesoamerican Herpetology ISSN: — (Mexico and Central America, amphibians and reptiles)
Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science ISSN: —
Michigan Botanist ISSN: —
Microbes and Environments ISSN: —
Microbial Ecology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Mine Water and the Environment ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Minnesota Birding ISSN: — (birds, USA)
Mires and Peat ISSN: 1819-754X
Miscellanea Zoologica Hungarica ISSN: — (1980-2000)
Missouri Conservationist ISSN: —
Missouriensis ISSN: — (Missouri Native Plant Society)
Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN: 1684-3908
Monographiae Botanicae ISSN: 2392-2923 (Polish Botanical Society. Plant ecology and taxonomy)
Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist ISSN: —
MorphoMuseuM ISSN: — (journal of 3D computer models of vertebrates)
Mountain Research and Development (BioOne, via aggregators) ISSN: —
Movement Ecology ISSN: —
Mushroom Research ISSN: 0972-4885 (1992-, Mushroom Society of India)
Mycena News ISSN: — (fungi, Mycological Society of San Francisco)
Mycological Progress ISSN: — (via Paperity)
MycoPath ISSN: — (fungi and rots in Pakistan and region)
Mycophile : Newsletter of the North American Mycological Association, The ISSN: — (fungi)
NAMMCO Scientific Publications ISSN: — (Nordic region)
National Institute of Polar Research Academic Journals ISSN: — (Japan, various series)
Natura Croatica ISSN: — (Natural biology and geology in Croatia)
Natural England series and reports ISSN: —
Natural Hazards Observer ISSN: — (Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado at Boulder)
Natural History Bulletin of The Siam Society ISSN: —
Natural History Magazine ISSN: — (American Museum of Natural History)
Naturalist, The ISSN: — (West-Riding Consolidated Naturalists’ Society, Yorkshire, England)
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues ISSN: —
Natural Resources Journal ISSN: — (University of New Mexico)
Nature & Faune ISSN: — (UN / African Forestry and Wildlife Commission)
Nature in Wales ISSN: —
Nature Notes of the Grand Canyon, 1926-1932 and 1932-1935, 2007-, with Natural History Bulletins from 1935-1967. (USA) ISSN: —
Nature Territory ISSN: — (naturalist fieldwork in the Northern Territory, Australia)
Nauplius ISSN: — (crustacean biology. Brazilian Crustacean Association)
Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum : Researches of the National Museum ISSN: 0067-9208 (South Africa)
Nematologia Mediterranea ISSN: —
Nematoda ISSN: —
Nematropica ISSN: — (tropical and subtropical nematodes, America)
NeoBiota ISSN: — (invasive species)
Neotropical Primates ISSN: — (BioOne, via aggregators)
New Forests ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Newsletter, Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries ISSN: —
Newsletter of the Malacological Society of Australasia ISSN: —
Newsletter of the National Forum for Biological Recording ISSN: — (UK)
New Zealand Journal of Ecology ISSN: —
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science ISSN: — (via Paperity)
New Zealand Marine Science : Annual Review ISSN: —
New Zealand Natural Sciences ISSN: —
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences ISSN: — (1993-2008)
NOAA Technical Reports and NOAA Technical Memoranda series ISSN: — (fisheries)
Noise : Theory and Practice ISSN: —
Norfolk Natterjack ISSN: — (Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society, UK)
North American Bird Bander ISSN: —
North American Birds ISSN: —
North American Fauna ISSN: — (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1889-2014)
North American Fungi ISSN: —
Northwest Science ISSN: — (Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada)
Nota Lepidopterologica ISSN: — (2003-2013, Palearctic)
Notornis and Birds New Zealand ISSN: — (the latter formerly Southern Bird) (one year paywall)
Novitates Zoologicae ISSN: — (to 1948)
Novon : a journal of botanical nomenclature from the Missouri Botanical Garden ISSN: —
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Nuytsia ISSN: — (Western Australia)
Occasional Papers of the Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University. ISSN: —
Occasional Papers | Northern Ireland Heritage Gardens Trust ISSN: —
Occasional Papers of the LSU Museum of Natural Science ISSN: — (Louisiana State University)
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan ISSN: —
Ocean and Coastal Law Journal ISSN: —
Ocean Challenge ISSN: — (Challenger Society for Marine Science)
Ocean Science ISSN: —
OceanDocs ISSN: —
Oceanography ISSN: —
Oceanologia ISSN: — (Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
OECD Review of Fisheries ISSN: —
Oklahoma Biological Survey ISSN: —
Oklahoma Native Plant Record ISSN: 1536-7738
Omphalina ISSN: — (mushrooms of Newfoundland and Labrador)
One Ecosystem : Ecology and Sustainability Data Journal ISSN: —
Ontario Insects ISSN: —
Open Biology ISSN: — (The Royal Society)
Opuscula Philolichenum ISSN: 1941-7527 (The New York Botanical Garden, journal of short papers in lichens and lichenology)
Opuscula Zoologica ISSN: 0237-5419 (Supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, hydrobiology and soil zoology with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe)
Ornamental Horticulture ISSN: 2447-536X
Ornis Fennica ISSN: 0030-5685 (birds, Finland)
Ornis Hungarica ISSN: — (birds, Hungary)
Ornis Norvegica ISSN: 1892-9737 (birds, Norway and region)
Ornithological Monographs series ISSN: — (birds)
Ornithological Science ISSN: 1347-0558 (birds, Japan)
Oryx : International Journal of Conservation (OA from January 2021)
OSMIA : Journal of Hymenopterology ISSN: — (wild bees)
Osprey, The ISSN: — (birds and natural history of Newfoundland and Labrador)
Our Nature ISSN: 2091-2781 (Nature Conservation and HC Council, Nepal)
Our Public Lands 1951-1971, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. ISSN: —
Pace Environmental Law Review Online Companion ISSN: —
Pacific Coast Avifauna ISSN: — (birds, USA, 1900-1974)
Pacific Ecologist ISSN: —
Pacific Entomological Survey ISSN: —
Pacific Insects ISSN: — (and Monographs)
Pacific Science ISSN: — (1947-2011, biological and physical sciences of the Pacific basin)
Pacific Seabirds ISSN: —
Paddy and Water Environment ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Pan American Journal of Aquatic Sciences ISSN: —
Parasite ISSN: —
Parasitologia Hungarica ISSN: — (Hungary, 1969-1998)
Parasites & Vectors ISSN: — (mostly human health, but also ecology articles on parasite populations etc)
Parnassiana Archives ISSN: 2241-7834 (the wildlife of Greece and its islands, in English)
Passenger Pigeon, The ISSN: — (birds of Wisconsin)
Peckhamia ISSN: — (spiders)
Peckiana ISSN: — (journal of the Senckenberg natural history museums, Germany)
PERC Reports and PERC Policy Series and PERC Case Studies ISSN: — (Property and Environment Research Center, USA)
Pet Behaviour Science ISSN: — (potentially of interest re: pet — wildlife interactions)
Phyllomedusa : Journal of Herpetology ISSN: — (amphibians)
Phytopathologia Mediterranea ISSN: 1593-2095 (plant health and disease around the Mediterranean)
Phytoneuron : digital publications in plant biology ISSN: —
PICES Press ISSN: — (North Pacific Marine Science Organization)
PICES Scientific Reports ISSN: — (North Pacific Marine Science Organization)
Plankton & Benthos Research ISSN: —
Plankton Biology and Ecology ISSN: —
Plant and Fungal Systematics ISSN: —
Plant and Soil ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Plant Ecology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Plant Press, The ISSN: — (U.S. National Herbarium newsletter)
Plant Sociology ISSN: — (Italian Society for Vegetation Science)
PLOS Biology ISSN: — (megajournal)
PLOS Pathogens ISSN: — (megajournal)
Polar Biology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Polar Research ISSN: —
Polish Botanical Journal ISSN: —
Population Ecology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Primate Conservation ISSN: — (BioOne, via aggregators)
Primates ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Priamus ISSN: 1015-8243and Priamus Supplement and associated Miscellaneous Papers (Centre for Entomological Studies, Ankara, Turkey)
Procedia Environmental Sciences ISSN: —
Proceedings & transactions of the South London Entomological & Natural History Society ISSN: — (1938-1967)
Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society ISSN: — (1968-1987)
Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles ISSN: —
Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science ISSN: — (1926-1967)
Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society ISSN: —
Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science ISSN: — (1891-2010)
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales ISSN: 1839-7263 (Australia)
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science ISSN: —
Proceedings of the United States National Museum ISSN: — (to 1968)
Proceedings of the Zoological Society ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Professional Papers ISSN: — (U.S. Geological Survey)
Prommalia : Journal for Zoological Taxonomists ISSN: — (Zoological Survey of India)
Rangifer ISSN: 1890-6729 (reindeer, caribou and similar animals)
Raptor Research ISSN: —
Raven, The ISSN: — (Virginia Society of Ornithology)
Records of the Auckland Museum and the Bulletin of the Auckland Museum ISSN: — (New Zealand)
Records of the Queen Victoria Museum ISSN: — (partial, also Occasional Papers. Australia)
Records of the South Australian Museum ISSN: —
Reforesta ISSN: — (restoration forestry, afforestation and natural re-growth of forests)
Reinardtia ISSN: — (plant taxonomy, plant ecology and ethnobotany, in southeast Asia)
Resource Inventory Notes and Resources Evaluation Newsletter series, 1975-1981, Yale School of Forestry. ISSN: —
Resources magazine ISSN: —
Rethinking Ecology ISSN: —
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural ISSN: — (Chile, in English)
Rheedea ISSN: — (Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy, flowering plants in India)
Ring, The ISSN: — (bird ringing, migration and monitoring bird numbers)
Rocznik Dendrologiczny ISSN: — (2005-2007, dating and study of annual rings in trees)
Rostrum : Newsletter of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa ISSN: 1026-4914 (insects)
Rotunda ISSN: — (magazine of the American Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium)
Rural Landscapes : Society, Environment, History ISSN: 2002-0104
Russian Arctic, The ISSN: 2658-4255
Russian Journal of Marine Biology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
SA Waterbulletin ISSN: 0258-2244 (water in South Africa and region)
Salamandra : German Journal of Herpetology ISSN: — (amphibians)
Sanctuary : Ministry of Defence Conservation magazine ISSN: — (UK armed forces)
Sandgrouse ISSN: — (birds, Ornithological Society of the Middle East)
Scientia Marina ISSN: —
Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station ISSN: —
Scopus and archives. Also at Archive.org ISSN: 2313-1799 (birds, East Africa Natural History Society)
Scottish Birds and archives ISSN: —
Sea Swallow ISSN: — (Royal Naval Birdwatching Society)
Seattle Journal of Environmental Law ISSN: —
Selbyana ISSN: — (Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Florida)
SEEFOR ISSN: 1847-6481 (South-East European Forestry)
Sherbornia ISSN: — (bibliographic research in zoology, and possible nomenclatural ramifications)
South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy ISSN: 1023-1765
Southeast Environmental Research Center Research Reports ISSN: — (Florida, USA)
Series of the Council for Arctic Flora and Fauna, Arctic Council ISSN: —
Sexuality and Early Development in Aquatic Organisms ISSN: —
Sibbaldia : the Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture ISSN: 2513-9231 (The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh)
Sida, Contributions to Botany ISSN: — (Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 1965-2006)
Silva ISSN: — (news-magazine of the Arnold Arboretum – Harvard University)
Silva Gandavensis ISSN: — (the Laboratory of Forestry of Ghent University, 1967-2001)
Silvae Genetica ISSN: — (German journal of tree genetics, 1950-2015)
Small-scale Forestry ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany ISSN: —
Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences ISSN: —
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology ISSN: —
Sociobiology ISSN: — (social insects)
SOIL ISSN: — (soils, European Geosciences Union)
Soil and Water Research ISSN: — (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
Soil Organisms ISSN: — (Senckenberg)
Solid Earth ISSN: — (life of the inner-earth)
Soundscape : The Journal of Acoustic Ecology ISSN: —
South Dakota Bird Notes ISSN: —
South-east European Forestry ISSN: —
Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings ISSN: — (study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the southeastern United States)
South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, The ISSN: — (University of the South Pacific)
Spanish Journal of Soil Science ISSN: —
Speleobiology Notes ISSN: 1945-9211 (caves, subterranean fauna and flora)
Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences ISSN: —
Stilt : Journal of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway ISSN: — (birds, Australian Wader Studies Group)
Studia Botanica Hungarica ISSN: — (botany, Hungary)
Studies in Avian Biology ISSN: — (birds, Cooper Ornithological Society, supplement to The Condor)
Studies in Mycology ISSN: — (Elsevier, fungi)
Subterranean Biology ISSN: —
Surtsey Research Progress ISSN: — (Research on the newly formed island of Surtsey)
Sustainability, Agriculture, Food and Environmental Research ISSN: 0719-3726
Sydney Journal ISSN: — (natural and human history of Sydney, Australia)
Symbiosis ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Systematic Parasitology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Taiwania ISSN: 0372-333X (the natural world in and around Taiwan, with a focus on flowering plants)
Taprobanica : The Journal of Asian Biodiversity ISSN: —
Tattler ISSN: — (birds, newsletter of the Australian Wader Studies Group)
Technical Notes series, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (mirrored at Archive.org). ISSN: —
Telopea : a plant systematics journal ISSN: 2200-4025 (botany)
TeMA Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment ISSN: —
Tennessee Native Plant Society newsletter ISSN: —
Tentacle ISSN: 0958-5079 (snail conservation)
Terra et Aqua ISSN: — (dredging and aquatic ecosystems)
Texas Water Journal ISSN: 2160-5319
Thalassia Salentina ISSN: 1591-0725 (publication of the Marine Biology Station covering the Salento area – the southern part of the Adriatic Sea, between the ‘heel’ of Italy and Albania)
Traditions ISSN: — (sports shooting)
Transitional Waters Bulletin ISSN: 1825-229X and Transitional Water Monographs series (“river mouth ecosystems, lagoons, coastal lakes and brackish wetlands”)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society ISSN: — (can’t be indexed by JURN, but noted here)
Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand ISSN: — (1868-1961)
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia ISSN: — (1880-2007)
Transvaal Museum Memoirs ISSN: — and Monographs (South Africa)
Tree-Ring Research ISSN: —
Trees ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Tropical Coasts ISSN: — (PEMSEA, East Asia’s sustainable seas organisation)
Tropical Conservation Science ISSN: —
Tropical Grasslands ISSN: —
Tropical Lepidoptera Research ISSN: —
Tropical Life Sciences ISSN: 2180-42 (Malaysia)
Tropical Oceanography ISSN: 1679-3005 (Spanish, but issues are partly in English)
Tropical Plant Biology ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Tropicos : magazine of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute ISSN: —
Treubia : a journal of zoology, hydrobiology and oceanology of the Indo-Australian archipelago ISSN: —
Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany ISSN: — (2012-, Biodiversitylibrary.org has archives)
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology ISSN: 2521-1234
Unasylva ISSN: — (the UN’s FAO forestry journal)
University of Wyoming National Park Service Research Center Annual Reports ISSN: —
Urban Ecosystems ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Urban Habitats ISSN: —
Ursus ISSN: — (International Association for Bear Research & Management)
Vertebrate Zoology ISSN: — (Senckenberg)
Vitis : Journal of Grapevine Research ISSN: 2367-4156
Volcanica ISSN: 2610-3540 (Volcanoes, inc. their vegetation)
Wader Study Group Bulletin : the international journal of shorebird science and archives ISSN: —
Walia ISSN: 0083-7059 (Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society)
Washington Journal of Environmental Law and Policy ISSN: —
Water Alternatives ISSN: 1965-0175 (water and development, has some coverage of human impacts on rivers and lakes)
Water Cycle ISSN: 2666-4453
Water-Supply Papers ISSN: — (U.S. Geological Survey)
Watsonia : journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles ISSN: —
Web Ecology ISSN: —
West African Journal of Applied Ecology ISSN: 0855-4307
Western North American Naturalist ISSN: —
Western Wildlife formerly Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society ISSN: 2475-4250 (USA)
West Midland Bird Club Annual Reports ISSN: — (1934-2013)
Wetlands (Australia) ISSN: 0725-0312 (WayBack Machine link, University of New South Wales OJS installation and all its journals vanished Feb 2019)
Wetlands Ecology and Management ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Wetlands ISSN: — (via Paperity)
Whistler, The ISSN: — (birds of Australia)
Wildfowl ISSN: 0954-6324 (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, UK)
Wildlife Biology ISSN: — (Nordic Board for Wildlife Research) (BioOne, via aggregators)
Willdenowia ISSN: — (Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin) (BioOne, via aggregators)
William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review ISSN: —
Wilson Bulletin / Wilson Journal of Ornithology and also here ISSN: — (birds, 1889-1999)
Works ISSN: — (Croatian Forest Research Institute)
World Ocean Review ISSN: —
World Rabbit Science ISSN: 1989-8886 (rabbits)
Zoologia Caboverdiana ISSN: 2074-5737 (Cape Verde Islands)
Zoological Research ISSN: — (China)
Zoological Studies ISSN: —
Zoologia at Pensoft. ISSN: 0101-8175
Zoologische Mededelingen ISSN: —
Zoosystema ISSN: — (Natural History Museum, Paris. Animal biodiversity, systematics)
Zoosymposia ISSN: — (rapid peer-reviewed for zoology)
Zoosystematics and Evolution ISSN: 1860-0743
ADDITIONAL OPEN JOURNALS of possible interest — mapping and remote sensing:
All but two of these are indexed in JURN. The papers in the OpenGIS aggregator service are also indexed.
Acoustics in Practice ISSN: —
Animal Biotelemetry ISSN: 2050-3385
BayGeo Journal ISSN: 2472-5285 (geo-data innovations and applications in the San Francisco Bay Area)
Biodiversity Informatics ISSN: 1546-9735
Bulletin of the GSI ISSN: —
Cartographic Perspectives ISSN: — (North American Cartographic Information Society)
Coordinates : positioning, navigation and beyond ISSN: —
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape ISSN: 2300-1496
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems ISSN: —
GeoResJ ISSN: 2214-2428 (aka GeoRes)
GIM International ISSN: —
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISSN: 2194-9034
Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing ISSN: 2237-2202
Journal of Maps ISSN: 1744-5647 (via aggregators)
Journal of Spatial Information Science ISSN: 1948-660X
JMASM : Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods ISSN: 1538-9472
Kartografija i Geoinformacije ISSN: 1848-0713
Meridian ISSN: — (Geospatial Information Round Table, American Library Association, see also base line)
Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research ISSN: —
Ocean News and Technology magazine ISSN: — (trade journal)
Photogrammetric Journal of Finland ISSN: —
Professional Surveyor Magazine (ceased) ISSN: —
Scientific Drilling ISSN: —
Sheetlines ISSN: — (Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps, UK)
South African Journal of Geomatics ISSN: 2225-8531
Visual Informatics ISSN: 2468-502X
Should you place Acta Biologica Sibirica here? (From journal.asu.ru).
Thanks for the suggestion, it’s a good one. I see that the journal is partly in English and that “Preference is given to articles in English”, so I have added it to the list.
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