My unofficial round-up of NecronomiCon Providence 2013 news and links…

* Another super NecronomiCon 2013 video from Steve Ahlquist, 88 minutes of the panel on HPL’s Phobias: race, class, and “The Outsider” (Friday, 4:00pm – 5:15pm, Grand Ballroom, Biltmore Hotel)…


“… analyzing Lovecraft as an individual and in the context of his society and time period. (Peter Cannon, Bob Price, Scott Connors, Lois Gresh, with Rory Raven as moderator)”

* Todd Chicoine’s compilation video of snippets from Thursday and Friday at NecronomiCon 2013… the gaming panel looks surprisingly under-attended…


* Wessendenwoollies’s nice unfiltered macro, showing the wrinkles on Lovecraft’s own rough sketch of the statuette in “The Call of Cthulhu”…


* Another preview of the Big Nazo creatures which will be roaming the streets tonight at WaterFire…


* Short blurb in The Providence Journal on the art shows

“Of special note: John Coulthart’s “Cthulhoid”, a creepy digital print that suggests a kaleidoscopic version of the monster from Alien…”


* Good to see that Lovecraft’s gravestone isn’t swamped with a heap of tacky schwag…
