My unofficial round-up of NecronomiCon Providence 2013 news and links…

* Steve Ahlquist’s videos of some of the scholarly talks…

Lovecraft’s Monsters: Rationalism, Anti-Rationalism and Lovecraftian Modernity

It’s Only Dark Because You Can’t See: A Posthuman Look at Lovecraft’s Cosmology

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn’: The Language of Lovecraft

Lovecraftian Religions: Yesterday, Today, & When the Stars are Right

Thinking Ecocritically: A Look at Embodiment and Nature in H.P. Lovecraft

… Dialogic Ontology of Martin Buber to Evaluate H.P. Lovecraft’s Materialist Cosmic Dread

Dagon and Derrida: Lovecraft’s Texts and Postmodernity

Emerging Scholarship Symposium: Monstrous Modernism: Lovecraft’s Theory of the Aesthetic in Modernity

Emerging Scholarship Symposium: The Shadow of His Smile: Humour in H.P. Lovecraft

Emerging Scholarship Symposium: “… Mind, Body, and Phallus in Lovecraft’s “The Thing on the Doorstep”


* The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets band on stage, Saturday evening…


* Big Nazo creatures on stage at WaterFire…


Cthulhuoid dances…


* Now available: the Amazon Kindle ereader edition of WaterFire’s reprinting of the corrected H.P. Lovecraft: New England Decadent. It’s a rather crude Kindle auto-conversion, and is without hyper-linked footnotes or navigation — but it’s vastly more affordable than the paper version.

* Now available: Charles Harrington’s Amazon Kindle ereader edition of H.P. Lovecraft’s Tour of Providence was published just yesterday on the Amazon Kindle store. Might be especially useful if you’re staying on after the convention to explore Providence…

“An updated walking guide to locations associated with Howard Phillips Lovecraft and his fiction. The approximately three-hour route winds through Providence, past Lovecraft’s haunts and influences for his macabre tales.”

* Picture from the live HPPodcraft podcast from NecronomiCon…
