Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Ice Worms, Finnish Lapland, Arctic.
Abandoned quarry, New England.
(My past postings of other real Lovecraftian places can all be seen here).
16 Tuesday Apr 2013
Posted Lovecraftian arts, Lovecraftian places
inLibrary of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Ice Worms, Finnish Lapland, Arctic.
Abandoned quarry, New England.
(My past postings of other real Lovecraftian places can all be seen here).
Mike Davis said:
Shared with “Lovecraft eZine” readers. Great post!
John Calmette said:
What about Nan Modol?
OgilvyTheAstronomer said:
It’s funny, because Belem Tower actually features a carving of something that looks suspiciously like Cthulhu…
Paolo Barone said:
Amazing! I also suggest Scilla Italy.