The Lands of Dream wall-map of Lovecraft’s Dreamlands, by Jason Bradley Thompson, makes it into the University of Wisconsin Collection. Via their acquisition of the American Geographical Society Library Digital Map Collection. At their page, ‘open image in new tab’ + zoom, for a larger, readable version of the map.

Useful to have as a wallpaper on your tablet while listening to an audiobook of Dream Quest, and with its muted colours it’s not as a super-gloss as other versions. You can also have this in your own collection in super-gloss though, as I see it’s still available as a 24″ x 36″ wall poster.

In the same American Geo. Soc. collection, I see another imaginary world wall-map, The Land of Make Believe (1930).

Also, on looking at Jason’s website I see he has an update on his RPG, with a post on Dreamland 2024 Plans and an accompanying Dreamland PDFs Update to “version 2.0 of the public PDFs” (Quickstart, Character Sheet, and ‘The Paradise of the Unchanging’). Travel rules for the game “have been significantly revised” after playtesting, and he shows a map of the regions around Ulthar together with travel routes…