An amusing (but true) new arrival on, Our face from fish to man (1929) from a Columbia University professor. One wonders if Lovecraft saw it, or a review of it, before writing the ending of his “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” (1931).
With 119 illustrations.
Also seeming somewhat relevant to ye olde fishy-ones, news that “Pluto’s Subsurface Ocean is 8% Denser than Seawater on Earth”. Yup, “in recent years, scientists have gathered evidence suggesting Pluto likely contains an ocean of liquid water beneath the ice”, ice which provides “a blanket of protection that likely keeps the inner ocean from freezing solid.” Who knew? Not me. But it appears that the real Yuggoth has a liquid ocean habitat, of sorts.
“Whatcha thinka the NEW PLANET? HOT STUFF!!! It is probably Yuggoth.”” (Lovecraft to Morton, on the discovery of Pluto).