“Ah, Sweet Idiocy!” (1948), being the fan memoirs of Francis T. Laney in a glorious Gestetner-vision PDF scan.
He fatefully encountered the Lovecraft-loving Duane Rimel, and begins by giving an evocative account of their friendship and (on pages 4-5) a detailed short biography and pen picture of “Duane Weldon Rimel”. As many Lovecraftians will recall, Laney didn’t stop there. He went on to be editor of the seminal Lovecraft ‘zine The Acolyte, and here we have the full story in his own words.
The find of the scanned original led me to find the free 2019 PDF and ePub OCR reprint in aid of the TAFF fund. The old inky text here becomes plain Times Roman. The new reprint also includes various expansions, explanations of acronyms, and some scholarly apparatus.