Pegana Press blogs that the limited edition Annals of the Jinns is now test-binding and that…

I will share more news and photos of this lovely Limited Edition of Annals of the Jinns by R.H. Barlow soon

These tales appeared in print as a Fantasy Fan series in 1933-35 and thus would have been read by Lovecraft, around the time of the penning of The Shadow Out of Time and the experiments that led up to it. They can be found on Project Gutenberg and in good form in the Barlow collection Eyes of the God.

Barlow’s overall title comes from Vathek

Thither [to the lovely flowered island] Ganigul often retired in the daytime to read in quiet the marvellous annals of the Jinns, the chronicles of ancient worlds, and the prophecies relating to the worlds that are yet to be born.

I had often, while in Shadukan, read the annals of the Jinns, and, as soon as you spoke of the fatal cupboard, I knew what it contained.