More new additions to Stable Diffusion 1.5 LORAs, used for text-to-image AI image generation. Pulp / sci-fi ones such as these, of possible interest to Tentaclii readers, are swamped by the zillions of LORAs being produced daily for each-and-every Japanese anime character. But they do appear quite frequently, for those willing to hunt for and find them among all the new fluff.

Art Deco Architecture – v1.0. Of obvious use for 1930s and 40 sci-fi backdrops. Seemingly trained on wide-scale deco concept art produced by architectural illustrators of the period.

Sumerian Architecture – v1.0.

One can combine LORAs for generating the same image, so the combinatorial possibilities should be obvious for science-fantasy illustration. Possibly these two may combine in interesting ways with the also-new Multiversal Vistas – v1.0, said to be trained on “strange futuristic vistas, forgotten technology and monumental artifacts”.

Also of possible interest, though this time to the retro crowd, is the 1950s style but highly polished Romance Comics – v1.0. (Warning: can also do nudity). Seemingly trained on slick cleaned reprints, rather than scans of the original yellowing comics. SD 1.5 knows what Lovecraft looked like, so I guess one might be able to have this produce a comic featuring Lovecraft. With the era-correct suit, shirt, shoes. But I’ve yet to try that.

(Limbo) Liminal Space Style – v1.0. In the influential ‘spooky silhouette’ style of the ground-breaking Limbo videogame.

And Dictionnaire Infernal (updated today).