A new AI-voiced AI Lovecraft: Nyalarthotep on YouTube. One of the better voices, kind of like a somewhat harsh and staccato Gordon Gould (expert reader of Lovecraft for ‘Books for the Blind’, back in the day). But then, what can one expect… it is a robot. But such things might be fixed by downloading and then using a good desktop PC audio player (such as AIMP) to adjust speed, pitch etc.
I found the following to work well with AIMP and proper headphones:
Speed: 0.97
Pitch: -1.66 st
And this graphic equaliser setting…
Then it just needs the maker to do a re-recording of the few seconds where the AI stumbles over Lovecraft’s 18th century diction (TTS voices can usually handle a special in-text markup, which can help correct such things, or you can just ‘tweek du spellhing’). Plus a few spaces, added where the transition between sections is too abrupt.