Details of what’s in the annual German-language double-issue magazine from the German Lovecraftians. Printing soon, and it should be available to buy shortly.

Lovecrafter 11: special issue on Lovecraft’s poetry.

* Following the recent German publication of the volume of poems Fungi by Yuggoth and other poems, an article “will present and discuss the translation and book in as much detail as possible”. [Sounds like a ‘making of’ article?]

* Form fanaticism and nostalgia in Lovecraft’s poems. [Probably about his passion for old metres, poetic forms and subject matter?]

* Lovecraft’s graphology. [His penmanship, or otherwise, and presumably also trying to divine personality from the handwriting?]

* ‘Mushroom Gardens in Bloom’ – a review of H.P. Lovecraft’s Fungi of Yuggoth and Other Poems (German edition).

Lovecrafter 12: special issue on Robert E. Howard.

Parallels between “Howard’s biography and the protagonists of his stories”.

A look at “the origins and relevance of the barbaric in more detail”.

An article which “roves through the sunken temple complexes and black stone structures that leave us so unsettled in the context of cosmic horror”.

“Digital Horror Upgrade 2.0”, in which Dennis Grob examines a number of obscure and often unknown videogame titles.

And various RPG gaming material.