Now available, my free PDF Tolkien Gleanings, issue 6 (2023) for Tolkien scholars and academics. At just 56 pages this is not as large and magazine-like as the previous issue 5. This new issue just collects and proof-reads my Gleanings blog-posts from June to August, and also has a gallery which surveys ‘walking trees’ in Edwardian arts and literature.
To get clickable Web links, you need the PDF rather than the flipbook preview.
Jay said:
Hello, I very much appreciate your work, both in popularising the works and life of HPL and JRR Tolkien. I follow both your sites daily and have a similar interest in the legacy of both gentlemen. Where do you think this combined fascination with the works of both writers comes from?
asdjfdlkf said:
Well, initially from youth. I read both at an early and formative age (11-13). Both are British as well, although Lovecraft only (ardently) in spirit. Tolkien is from Birmingham, and so am I. So there’s a regional thing going on there. Both are very deep in lots of ways, once you start looking into the intertwingling of their works and lives.