As well as announcing the forthcoming The Weird Cat anthology, S.T. Joshi’s latest blog post also trails a new book by leading Lovecraft scholar Ken Faig Jr. This being a…

second volume of Ken’s essays on ‘Lovecraftian People and Places’ … scheduled for release next year [2024]

He also notes that Ken Faig, Jr.’s Seven Hills has also just been published, being a book of lesbian-detective tales set in Cincinnati. This gets the Joshi seal-of-approval, being… “rollicking good fun”. Amazon reveals it as Seven Hills: Cincinnati and Other Midwestern Cases, weighing in at 520 pages and with an affordable $5 ebook version. The blurb also reveals that the heroine is more of an ‘occult detective’, specialising…

in the probing of ghostly or supernatural phenomena, using psychics, seances, and other paranormal means to solve the mystery