New on to borrow, The Weird Tales Story (1977). This is the one with the Alex Nino art, not in other later editions. Some of his art here… well, much as I like his style, you’re not missing much. But the opening interior illustration is sumptuous. Here partly blocked by the dustjacket and marred by the scanning of two pages.
But you get the idea. Definitely a collectable for Nino fans.
A very poor Pinterest pin reveals what’s missing…
Also new on, French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction, subtitled ‘a guide to cinema, television, radio, animation, comic books and literature from the middle ages to the present’. A 800-page McFarland tome from the year 2000. Twenty years later I imagine that a lot of this previously very inaccessible stuff is now far more available, and perhaps also has English translations / subtitles.