A peep at the British anthology By Daylight Only (1929). A new sale listing shows the original dust-jacket, which gives the colour. The paid repro ‘Facsimile Dust-jackets’ version has it as red, but here I’ve digitally recoloured to green…

Presumably a contributor copy would have arrived, circa December 1929, for Lovecraft. A tale by the master had appeared in the third volume, almost certainly issued in time for Halloween, and he received his copy in mid December. So we might imagine the same timing for this fifth book in the series. By Daylight Only featured his “Pickman’s Model”.

Perhaps it was first shipped in bulk to the Weird Tales office for further distribution to the American authors at their latest addresses. Since the British publishers dealt with Weird Tales London agent Charles Lovell, who picked the best published WT stories and passed them in good form to Selwyn & Blount for further selection and arrangement. I imagine he also passed back the contributor copies when ready. Ah, yes… I find that supposition is confirmed. In 1929 Lovecraft also wrote to Weird Tales editor Farnsworth Wright to thank him… “for the anthology which you forwarded”.