From Portugal, the new ebook Lovecraft e as Tradicoes Esotericas: Influencias do Horror Cosmico no Ocultismo (trans: ‘Lovecraft and the Esoteric Traditions: Influences of Cosmic Horror on Occultism’). In Portuguese.

Here’s my translation of the TOC…

Preface (Dennis P. Quinn Ph.D., Professor and Department Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies at Cal Poly Pomona, California)

1. The Cold and Dark Vast of the Cosmos

2. Lovecraft: Posthumous Member of the Counterculture

3. From Abnegation to Cosmic Pessimism

4. The Dark Essence of the Cthulhu Mythos

5. The Occult Tradition and its Marks in Lovecraft

6. Cults of Cthulhu, its Fans and Devotees

7. The Culture of Fans as a Creative Microcosm

8. The Cult Still Lives…



“The Festival” (annotated)

135 pages, September 2022.

I can’t get the cover-artist name, but it’s nice work. I also like the retro mid-1980s thrift-shop feel it has.

The other book is still forthcoming. Due soon-ish is The Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft: Comic, Film, Podcast, TV, Games, with Amazon wobbling between late December 2022 / early 2023. It’s one of those academic… now, I was going to say “£80 tomes”. But the standard list-price for such things seems to have now jumped to £120 (roughly $140).

So… it’s one of those invitation-only academic £120 tomes, of the sort that can trap some good academic work in inaccessible volumes.

Discusses a wide array of medial forms, from film and TV to comics, podcasts, and video and board games.

Again. Yawn

Part of the Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture series. Despite the price, the academic salaries involved, and leftist hand-wringing about academic labour… they’ve used a raw and very obviously AI-generated image for the cover.