It’s only noon over in the USA, and I guess many are only just emerging in search of breakfast. But a quick tickle of the search tools at 6pm in the UK brings some early 132nd Birthday news…
* Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, “Bad Medicine” compilation. Containing their olde time radio version of “Cool Air” and others. Free to download for HPL’s birthday. Also “Dark Adventure Radio Theatre episode downloads on a buy-one-get-one-free” basis.
* Some podcast activity already detectable via search. A lecture on “Lovecraft & the Occult – historical & literary influences on the Cthulhu mythos”. No idea what it’s like, but I like the look of the presenter and studio. He makes an effort. Nerds RPG Variety Cast did a podcast to celebrate H.P. Lovecraft’s birthday by discussing Lovecraftian films. Some story readings on YouTube, several in Spanish, some still to be broadcast later today.
* A curious coffin-shaped magazine posted on eBay. Not sure if it’s a birthday thing. Apparently only 10 have been made.