Diacritik has a long review by Yann Etienne of volume one of the new French translation of Lovecraft.

Of the former key edition in French, that earlier… “edition remains essential but it sometimes suffers from editorial faults attributable to another era: truncated texts, missing paragraphs, incomplete source text, imprecise translations.”

The new Mnemos edition retains the story-titles of the old one, to avoid future confusions… “…and volume 1 has a focus on the Dreamlands [with 17 stories, fragments or prose poems, including Dream Quest…] ‘This is not a book, it is a territory’ warns David Camus in his introduction. This would be valid for the full range of Lovecraft’s work, yet it resonates all the more more for the Dreamlands cycle. A superb map by Maxime Plasse allows us to savour the terrain.”

On Dream Quest… “we know without a doubt that we are in the presence of a unique text. This is how we recognise great texts: not by their hypothetical perfection, but by their extreme singularity. […] it creates its own space and a genre apart. […] The fairest comparison would be to shelve it alongside Dante’s Comedy”.

Lovecraft was… “a more eloquent letter writer than Voltaire”.