New on, Revista Planeta #01 (1964) from Buenos Aires, with an article on Lovecraft by Jacques Bergier in what I assume is Portuguese translated from French. Pages 84-85 of the journal are missing, presumably having having had another facing full-page picture of Lovecraft and thus been removed and framed at some point. One such remains…

Bergier credits Lovecraft with knowing Zulu and other African languages. Lovecraft might well have discussed it with the likes of Edward Lloyd Sechrist, and thus known a few phrases, but I suspect he did not have the patter…

In order to follow this path, Lovecraft began by absorbing much of human knowledge. I never corresponded with such an omniscient being. He knew an untold number of languages, including four African languages: Damora, Swahili, Zulu, and Zani, and numerous dialects. He wrote with identical scholarship on mathematics, relativistic cosmogony, Aztec civilization, ancient Crete, or organic chemistry.

Bergier’s article is followed by a Portuguese translation of “Hypnos”. This is illustrated by Pierre Balas…