Added to my Open Lovecraft page…

* S.J. Burke, “Where the Sea Meets the Sky: A Fantasy-Theme Analysis of H.P. Lovecraft’s Celephais”, Quest: Collin College Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. 5, 2021.

* S. Minne, Arnaud Huftier, Jean Ray, L’Alchimie du mystere (2010), ReS Futurae, No. 2, 2013. (In French. Book review of a critical French biography of Jean Ray, the biography having been written by the author of the thesis titled ‘Jean Ray, Lovecraft, or the play of influences’).

* L.S. Correa, “Uma leitura espectrologica de Lovecraft: analise de a cor que caiu do ceu, O chamado de Cthulhu e Sussurros na escuridao” (“A Spectrological Reading of Lovecraft: analysis of ‘The Colour Out of Space’, ‘The Call of Cthulhu’, and ‘The Whisperer in Darkness'”. In Brazilian Portuguese, 2020. Perhaps a Masters dissertation? Uses the ideas of the philosopher Romandini to explore “the constant fear of disjunction, the loss of identity and reference” in three tales by Lovecraft).

* O. Maikisch, “Existential Reactions to Modernity: An Analysis of Lovecraft’s Nihilism & Dostoevsky’s Christian Existentialism” (2021 Masters dissertation, in English. Considers Lovecraft within the wider “existing spectrum of existential thought” on anxiety).