S.T. Joshi’s Blog has updated. He notes the passing of Joseph Altairac (1957-2020)…

a leading French scholar and publisher devoted to Lovecraft. He was the editor of Études Lovecraftiennes, a fine small-press journal that published many trenchant articles on Lovecraft from both French and American critics.

I’ve looked online, but there appears to be no way to get the TOCs for this French Lovecraft Studies equivalent and thus craft a translated English summary of these after the first two issues (which had offered selected Lovecraft Studies translations). Possibly an English obituary of Altairac, likely destined for the Lovecraft Annual of late summer 2021, could be followed by an itemisation of the journal’s contents in English? Note that his Études Lovecraftiennes is not to be confused with the later and similarly named Cahiers Études Lovecraftiennes which it appears were more of a series of bookshop-quality monographs. You can see the difference here…

In other Lovecraft-related news from S.T. Joshi, there is a two hour talk on YouTube between S.T. Joshi and leading Brazilian scholar Emilio S. Ribeiro.