I’m pleased to find the new-ish Brazilian journal Zanzala: Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Ficcao Cientifica (trans. ‘Zanzala: Brazilian journal for the study of science-fiction’). Now with four issues available. They appear to be quite interested in monsters, for instance they have an article on tropical vampires in the 1950s and 60s and a couple of others in the same line.

The call for articles for the next issue has a deadline of 31st August 2020, and the theme will be: ‘The Contagious Imaginary: fantasy, horror and science fiction in the era of COVID-19’. Articles appear to be in Portuguese, though among the four issues I did spot one article in English.

Also of interest to some, in monster journals, will be the new theory-led academic Journal of Gods and Monsters from Texas.

Another recent item of note from South America is a 40 minute talk on “Lovecraft en Chile”.