I’m glad to see that Librivox is branching out into full-cast unabridged readings. Their second volume of such has just been released. Since most stage actors and live musicians are likely to be unemployed for a while now, I’d expect to see the appearance of many more full-cast unabridged readings, ideally with music and FX. They seem the obvious route to converting talent to income, and can be done while working together online via home studios. The exemplar here is Phil Dragash’s The Lord of the Rings.
These, however, are free…
Vol. 1 offers Sherlock Holmes. Vol. 2 also offers another Sherlock Holmes, “The Purloined Letter” by Edgar Allan Poe, and “The Stolen Bacillus” by H. G. Wells. Some are rather rough, and lack sound balancing and a producer’s touch.