A small commemoration of Lovecraft’s epic trek to and around old Quebec, and also his subsequent extended travelogue and (effectively) guide-book.

Never have I beheld anything else like it, & never do I expect to! … I can scarcely believe that the place belongs to the waking world at all. A mighty headland rising out of a mile-broad river & topped by a mediaeval fortress—city walls of cyclopean masonry scaling vertical cliffs or towering above green table-lands — great arching city gates & frowning bastions — huddles of pointed red-tiled roofs & silver belfries & steeples — archaic lanes winding uphill or lurking in the beetling shadow of precipices…

The walls in landscape context.

Lower and Upper Town, Quebec.

A lane in Lower Town in the 1920s.

View over Lower Town in the 1950s.