For the winter solstice and Christmas, a special look at Lovecraft’s College St. in the snow…

A cover of Brown Alumni Monthly, looking through the gates and down College St. in the late 1950s or early 1960s. On the right of the picture, at the corner of that tall white wall surrounding the John Hay Library, is the entrance to the unpaved lane that led to Lovecraft’s last home.

An elevated picture made by Prof. Bigelow from back of the same spot, this time looking down over the gates and along the top of College St. where boys are playing in the snow. A Lovecraft-alike man is seen passing through the gates. The John Hay Library is on the far right and Lovecraft’s home is behind it.

Looking up the street from the opposite direction and from about a third of the way down College St., looking up toward the Library and with the gates out-of-sight. Lovecraft’s lane entrance is seen on the right of the picture, the lane going away out of sight along the John Hay Library wall and thus leading to his garden courtyard and his home at No. 66.

In such heavy winter snowfall Lovecraft was inclined to stay indoors, though even in his later years he could be enticed out in such weather — if he felt socially obliged to go and could wrap up warm enough.