Released tomorrow (Monday 23rd September) in Kindle ebook format, Leslie Klinger’s The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft: Beyond Arkham. This is the second and final volume of Klinger’s Annotated Lovecraft and it’s good to see that S.T. Joshi’s corrected texts have once again been used.

The 512-page paper edition has a later release date according to Amazon UK (“25th Oct 2019”). But I’m told that it’s a simultaneous print/ebook release for the USA.

I see that in the ebook and the Google Books preview the annotations are given as endnotes, rather than footnotes. Presumably that’s to allow pop-outs over the page for Kindle Fire readers, and ’round-trip’ links on the older Kindle 3 e-ink ebook ereaders. But I read somewhere that the first print volume had a “1/3 sidebar” for its annotations, so presumably that format will be repeated for the second print volume? Update: Yes, Klinger confirms the same format is used for the second volume.

It’s an amusing touch to have the front cover hint at Lovecraft’s love of spaghetti. The print edition has a different cover.

In order of presentation in the book:

The Tomb.
The Transition of Juan Romero.
The Doom That Came to Sarnath.
The Terrible Old Man.
The Cats of Ulthar.
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family.
The Temple.
From Beyond.
Ex Oblivione.
The Quest of Iranon.
The Outsider.
The Other Gods.
The Music of Erich Zann.
The Lurking Fear.
The Rats in the Walls.
Under the Pyramids.
The Shunned House.
The Horror at Red Hook.
Cool Air.
The Strange High House in the Mist.
Pickman’s Model.
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

At the back there is a new ‘Lovecraft Gazetteer’ of place-names, as an appendix. This includes invented places, including places in outer space.