Oh no, my paper copies of the original Claremont ‘Dark Phoenix’ X-Men comics just plummeted in value! I was hoping them might go up in value, and I could sell them, durn it.

Because, while the original comics are still a pinnacle of comics-making, the new X-Men: Dark Phoenix movie is very dire indeed according to nearly all the reviews.

“Xcruciating, eXecrable and ineXcusable with its juddering mess of a storyline” — The Sun newspaper, the biggest UK tabloid.

“A Disastrous End To The X-Men Franchise” — ScreenGeek, and many other similar sentiments can be found in the U.S. reviews. “Burned out”. “Mediocre”. “A Phoned-In Conclusion to a Mutant Saga”. “X-Men Franchise Goes Down In Flames”. “Dark Phoenix is a cinematic shoulder shrug with no reason to exist.” And “biggest dud of X-Men franchise”.

What a pity. One of the greatest stories in superhero comics, trashed.