A new edition of The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Fiction Studies Vol. 9 (Feb 2019), now in Kindle on Amazon.

Of interest to Lovecraftian scholars is…

* “The Outside Scholar: Robert E. Howard, H. P. Lovecraft, and Scholarly Identity. Part Two: A Complex and Baffling Question”, by Karen Joan Kohoutek.

This follows Part One in The Dark Man Vol. 8, No. 1 (2015), also in Kindle ebook format.

I also note an article in The Dark Man that I had overlooked, an article to be found in the Vol 7. No. 1 (December 2012) issue. This volume is not on Amazon in ebook, so far as I can tell, but is in ebook as an ePub from Lulu.com. The article is…

* “I ‘n’ I a-Liberate Zimbabwe: Motifs of Africa and Freedom in Howard’s The Grisly Horror”, by Patrick R. Burger.

This seems likely to be of interest to those writing about Lovecraft’s interest in and use of Zimbabwe (the remarkable hilltop fortification, not the nation).