A fine new cover by Phillipe Caza, for a new French RPG apparently to be played with the Cthulhu Hack system. He only did the cover, according to the book’s interior credits.

I see that Caza is interviewed in a chunky 460-page book recently published in French, Lovecraft : Au coeur du cauchemar (Lovecraft: Heart of the Nightmare, 2017)…

“Lovecraft en image…” (“Lovecraft and image …”) Interview with Philippe Caza.

Complete table-of-contents for Lovecraft : Au coeur du cauchemar, in English translation. Items of possible special interest to scholars are noted in bold.



“H.P. Lovecraft, between myth and facts”, by Bertrand Bonnet.
“Lovecraft and his prejudices…”, Christophe Thill interview.

Interview with S.T. Joshi.

“Places and Lovecraft”, by Mathilde Manchon.
“In the footsteps of Lovecraft in Providence”, interview with François Bon.
“H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard: Friendship, Controversies and Influences”, by Bertrand Bonnet.
“Robert E. Howard and Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Selected Correspondence”, by Patrice Louinet.
“Lovecraft and revisions: the doctor of weird fiction”, by Todd Spaulding.


“H.P. Lovecraft in press: brief history (and prehistory) editorial of the writings of Lovecraft”, by Christophe Thill.
“Cthulhu, the myth”, by Emmanuel Mamosa.
“The myth of Cthulhu”, interview with Raphael Granier de Cassagnac.
“Lovecraft in twenty-five essential works”, by Bertrand Bonnet.
“The work of Lovecraft”, interview by Christophe Thill.
“Lovecraft and the Lost Generation”, by Florent Montaclair.
“Lovecraft and science”, by Elisa Gorusuk.
“The anti-heroic fantasy of H.P. Lovecraft”, by Christophe Thill.
“The invitation to travel”, by David Camus. [On the travel writing?]
“French translations of Lovecraft: from introduction to tradition”, by Marie Perrier.
“Lovecraft Translator”, by David Camus.
“The poetry of Lovecraft”, interview with Michel Chevalier.


“Lovecraft Heroes of Fiction”, interview of Patrick Marcel.
“Cthulhu from 7 to 77 eons, or Lovecraft in comics”, by Alex Nikolavitch.
“Adapting Lovecraft to a video game …” interview with Jean-Marc Gueney.
“For a handful of tentacles … HP Lovecraft at the movies”, by Sam Azulys.
“Lovecraft in images…”, interview of Francois Baranger.
“Lovecraft in images…”, interview of Nicolas Fructus.
“Lovecraft in images…”, interview of Philippe Caza.

“Role play: Lovecraft and the world of gaming”, interview of Editions Sans-Detour.
“Role play: Lovecraft and the world of the game”, interview with Cédric Ferrand.
“Lovecraft and them”.