* Brandon Reynolds (2008), “Slumming in the horror-fantasy ghetto: utopian ideals in the work of H.P. Lovecraft” (Masters dissertation for California State University)
* Gavin Weston et al (2015), Anthropologists in Films: “The Horror! The Horror!”, American Anthropologist, Vol. 117, No. 2, pp. 1–13, June 2015. (Finds 53 films featuring fictional representations of anthropologists, 26 of those being horror films. “We examine the role of anthropologists in these films as experts and mediators for seemingly alien “others” and how this lends itself to frequently heroic depictions”)
* Alexander A. G. Gladwin, Matthew J. Lavin, Daniel M. Look (2015), “Stylometry and Collaborative Authorship: Eddy, Lovecraft, and “The Loved Dead””, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (Oxford), July 2015.