* Jeff Lacy & Steven J. Zani (2007), “The Negative Mystics of the Mechanistic Sublime: Walter Benjamin and Lovecraft’s Cosmicism”, Lovecraft Annual No.1, pp. 65-83.
* James Machin (2015), “Fellows Find: H.P. Lovecraft letter sheds light on pivotal moment in his career”, Cultural Compass, the scholarly blog of the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, 28th January 2015. (An account of finding a new and unknown 5,000 word letter by Lovecraft during archival research in the Ransom Center. The full text of the important 1924 letter is given as readable scans. The letter reveals Lovecraft’s initial ideas for shaping his planned novel Azathoth and the plot of the opening section of his apparently already plotted novel The House of the Worm).
* Chris J. Karr (2007, 2014), “The Black Seas of Copyright”, Chris J. Karr’s blog, 2014. (Updated 2014 edition of a collection of scholarly footnoted essays, on the topic of Lovecraft’s copyrights and the later Arkham House claims to these. Titles for sub-sections include: Lovecraft’s Fiction; Arkham House Publishers and the H.P. Lovecraft Copyrights; The Arkham House Copyright Hypothesis; The “Donald Wandrei v. The Estate of August Derleth” Hypothesis; Observations; and Conclusion)