Themed Lovecraft mythos short-story anthologies that the world still yearns for…

1. Cthulhu Was My Roommate! Mythos stories set at H.P. Lovecraft conventions.

2. Tie-die Cthulhu. Mythos stories set in the hippie 1970s.

3. Cathulhu. Mythos stories with kittens. What could possibly go wrong?

4. Cthulhu Is Our Muse. Lovecraft’s conventional poetry re-written as Mythos fiction.

5. Chocolate Chip Cthulhu. Mythos stories involving ice-cream.

6. President Cthulhu. Mythos stories set in the surrealpolitik era after a Cthulhu cult takeover.

7. Fifty Shades of Cthulhu. Mythos stories brimming with Lovecraft inspired sexual repression.

8. Emperor Cthulhu. Mythos stories written in Latin and set in Ancient Rome.

9. Automatic Cthulhu. Mythos stories featuring big sexy guns.

10. Into Infinity with Cthulhu! Mythos stories about anthologists of Mythos stories.