Adept’s Gambit: The Original Version by Fritz Leiber edited by S.T. Joshi. Limited edition hardback, 300 copies.
In 1936, the young Fritz Leiber wrote a 38,000-word novella entitled Adept’s Gambit and sent it to his new correspondent, H.P. Lovecraft. The older writer was thrilled at this sprawling narrative that mixed fantasy, sorcery, and historical fiction, and wrote an enormous letter expressing his praise and pointing out possible points that needed revision. […] the manuscript has recently surfaced, and it is now being published for the first time. This version differs radically from the later version [and the book also has] the complete text of Lovecraft’s letter commenting on it
Fritz Leiber in 1936. Hat-tip: Will Hart.
Wow. I read Adept’s Gambit back in early high school, back in the last century!!