Added to the Open Lovecraft page…

* Eugene Thacker (2012), “Cosmic Pessimism”, Continent, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2012, pp. 66–75. (Lovecraftian philosophy).

* Benjamin Noys (2005), “A Gothic Sinthome? The Case of H.P. Lovecraft”, presented at the conference ‘Gothic Remains: Symptoms of the Modern’, University of Sussex, December 2005. (Examines the possibilites for using Lacan to try to understand Lovecraft. Lacan’s sinthome is a unanalyzable and unspeakable ‘symptom’ of meaning that lies just outside the semiotic triangle, but which might be apprehended via the unconscious in moments of jouissance or sublime awe).

* Michael Umbricht (2013), “Cosmic Inspiration: Lovecraft’s Astronomical Influences” (Nicely illustrated academic Powerpoint presentation from Ladd Observatory at Brown University, as part of NecronomiCon 2013. Illustrates the influence of the Ladd Observatory on Lovecraft’s early life).