* Ellen Greenham (2013), Neocosmicism: God and the Void. (Ph.D for Murdoch University, Australia. It “…seeks to demonstrate the validity of cosmicism as a lens through which to critically interrogate science fiction texts; it more importantly endeavors to address cosmicism’s inherent limitations as a philosophy of the human creature’s place in the universe.”)
* S.T. Joshi (2013), Cthulhu’s Empire: H. P. Lovecraft’s Influence on His Contemporaries and Successors (Appears to be a free sample, from the Salem Press book Critical Insights: Pulp Fiction of the 1920s and 1930s).
* Duran Flores Merlin Lisseth, and Pineda Zaldana Maritza Beatriz (2013), El terror u horror como eje estructurante en los cuentos “El extrano”, “El sabueso” y “El ser bajo la luz de la luna” de Howard Phillips Lovecraft. (Undergraduate dissertation, University of El Salvador. In Spanish).