News of a new conference in London, 1st-3rd November 2013: Monstrous Antiquities: archaeology and the uncanny in popular culture

“This conference aims to study and celebrate this long and productive relationship [between archaeology and the uncanny]. We are keen to hear from scholars and aficionados of the fictional world of uncanny archaeology including archaeologists, historians, writers and artists. The programme will include all genres where the ancient meets the ghastly including music, television, literature, film, and art. The conference will be held at UCL on 1st—3rd November 2013.”

Three days, so I expect there’s probably going to be a book or an open set of online conference proceedings coming out of this one?

For those who can also afford to spend a further five nights in the UK after the conference, this event segways nicely with the one-day London research conference The Weird: Fugitive Fictions/Hybrid Genre, on 8th November 2013.

Piranesi_Pyramid_RomeAbove: Pyramid in the Ruins of Ancient Rome, copper engraving by Piranesi.