The Young Man of Providence is a 43-minute BBC Radio dramatised documentary on Lovecraft, dug up from Halloween 1983 and online as an mp3. It’s a mix of narrated documentary and his letters, with occasional fragments from the stories read by old-school actors and mixed with excellent FX. The best Lovecraft documentary, I’d say, although not perfect. I wonder if it might be worked up into an unofficial fan-film documentary? It could be carefully expanded into a feature-length movie by inserting new narration-free sections (contemplative Ken Burns-style pans across archival materials / evocative landscapes / old haunts / Jarman-esque dream-montages) to slacken the galloping pace that the format of a 40-minute radio programme necessarily enforced on the producers.
Above: Lovecraft at 10 Barnes St. (1926-1933) by Cortney Skinner.