New theatre production of “The Dunwich Horror”, set to be staged this Autumn in London England…
“This production has been in development for over a year, from a script completed after extensive work-shopping. The premise was to keep extant as much of the text from the original story as possible, while opening up the piece to an engaging theatrical experience. The production will take place as part of the London Horror Festival at the Courtyard Theatre [Hoxton, London UK]”
No dates or box office yet, but the Festival dates are 25th Oct – 27th Nov 2011.
Tom Richards said:
Just found your post accidentally while Googling. I’m one of the producers of the London Horror Festival, and you can now see full show information on the Festival website at and book tickets from the Courtyard Theatre website at
If you’re interested in hearing more about the Festival and horror theatre in general, you could also check out the Theatre of the Damned blog –
Hope you enjoy the show!